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Promwave is a UK based software consultancy company with deep and broad capabilities; from project management and mentoring to one off 'can you justs' - we have done them all!

Windows, Linux - GUI, Server, Embedded, Real-time or Queued.

Python, PHP, Javascript, C++, C#, C, Databus, Assembler

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Web Site

This site is currently under development.

Graphic appearance and CSS are based on a design called Sinorca by haran from OSWD; however the engine will shortly use PHP to serve the pages and dynamically generate menus

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Some features of this design

Standards compliant
This site is 100% compliant with XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2 for more consistent browser rendering. The design is also XHTML 1.1-ready, merely requiring an XML declaration and a change of DTD.
Layout without tables
Unlike this design’s inspiration, Sinorca does not use tables for layout purposes. This stems from my personal conviction that tables should only be used to display tabular data.
Use of browser-specific styles
Styles which are perculiar to a specific web browser paradigm are encoded in the stylesheet itself. This ensures that users of Mozilla-based browsers and Internet Explorer see nearly the same design.
Relative metrics
Most measurements (such as widths and spacings) are font-size relative. This means that if a viewer changes the page’s default font size, the document metrics also change to compensate.
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